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We will introduce a piece called ’Shichifukujin’ (Seven Deities of Good Fortune) over the next four installments. Shichifukujin indicates the seven gods, who bring good fortune. The "Seven Deities of Good Fortune” are Ebisu, Daikoku, Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Jurōjin, Hotei and Benzaiten, however, only Ebisu is depicted in this piece.

The song seems to have been composed in the 18th century, but the date is not clear. Later, in the Meiji era, it was choreographed as a ’go-shūgi-mono’ danced without costume or make-up.* ’Go-shūgi-mono’ are congratulatory and elegant dances, just like "Matsu no Midori.

(Mitsuko T. Sakurai)

*TN: The type of dance, when the performer wears a formal kimono with no make-up, wig or any special costume is called ‘Su-odori’. Usually the only prop used for ‘Su-odori’ is the fan.